Page 128 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 128

given under heaven by which men must be saved.
                 There are many who are called Universalists who deny the uniqueness of Christ. Like
                 thieves and robbers they seek to enter by another way. I would not want to in any way be
                 associated with these false doctrines and beliefs. For this reason, I find it expedient to
                 avoid labels. I do not call myself an Universalist. I am a son of God who believes that
                 Christ has been given the singular role to reconcile the creation back to the Father. I
                 believe His power is sufficient to subject all things unto Himself, and by extension, unto
                 the Father. I believe Christ's reconciling work will not be complete until every enemy has
                 been brought to repentance, and every knee bows before the Father. I believe that what
                 God has sworn is true. Every tongue will confess "Surely in Yahweh I HAVE righteousness
                 and strength," and all who were incensed with Him will be ashamed.
                 This is what I teach, for it is what has been delivered to the saints by the Holy Spirit and
                 the Word of God.

               May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,
               Joseph Herrin
               (November 25, 2011)
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