Page 54 - Foundations
P. 54

This Scripture describes perfectly the doctrine of the ruin and reconstruction of the earth. The
               mountains  were  removed  in  God’s  anger.  The  earth  was  overthrown  and  the  sun  and  stars
               commanded not to shine. When did this occur, since Job is one of the most ancient books of the
               Bible? There is no account of such an event from the time of Adam’s creation. It must have occurred
               before Adam. The sun and stars were still in the heavens, but God placed a seal upon them that they
               might not give forth light.

               Is it not puzzling that God would say “Let there be light” on Day One if the sun and stars did not
               exist until Day Four? This is a problem for those who deny that the heavens and earth already
               existed, having suffered the effects of a divine judgment. The natural act of God on the first day of
               the reconstruction of the heavens and earth is to remove the curse of darkness. He therefore removes
               the seal that He has placed upon the sun and stars as He declares “Let there be light!”

               Since God is beginning a new work, and it involves new creatures, and a divine plan for their
               perfecting as sons of God, it is fitting that on Day Four He should rearrange the heavenly bodies to
               perfectly declare the glorious plan and the work He will accomplish. His arrangement was so
               perfectly ordered that  thousands of years later, at  the right  moment, heavenly signs  would be
               observed to mark key events in His work among the new creation. The star declaring the Savior’s
               birth appeared at the precise time for the wise men of the East to perceive its message. Some thirty
               years later the sky was darkened at the very hour that the Son of God was offering up His life on the
               cross. Christ also prophesied that the heavens would announce His return at the end of the age.

               Luke 21:25, 27
               “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars... And then they will see the Son of Man coming
               in a cloud with power and great glory.”

               Even as God had to reorder an earth that had been made waste and void and covered by water, He
               had to reorder the heavens that they might serve as signs, and for seasons, and to give light upon the
               earth at the proper time. This ordering of the heavens was on Day Four, but its initial work had to
               begin with God removing the seal He had placed upon the heavens that they might once more give
               forth their light upon the earth. This was accomplished on Day One.

               One of the most profound Biblical evidences of the ruin of the initial earth is observed in the
               description that is given to the earth in verse two of Genesis.

               Genesis 1:2
               But the earth became formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep...

               We have three descriptors here of the earth’s condition. It was formless (tohu). It was void, or empty
               (bohu). It was sealed in darkness. If we could find these same three descriptors in another passage
               of Scripture, and this passage spoke of Yahweh judging and destroying the earth, then we could
               reasonably conclude that these words are also used in Genesis chapter 1 to describe an earth that had
               been judged. Does such a passage exist? Yes, it does.
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