Page 4 - Foundations
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Bible through a confusion of writings whose pedigree is far inferior, the Bible should be used as the
standard to judge them. By this measure, many of these extra-Biblical writings stand condemned as
works of deception, false copies of more ancient works that have been lost, and intentional works
of darkness inspired by the enemy of mankind who desires to replace truth with lies.
As we near the end of the age and the soon revealing of the Son of God, Satan will increase the flood
of deceptive works in an attempt to sweep away the people of God to destruction.
Revelation 12:15
And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause
her to be swept away with the flood.
The people of God need a sure anchor to resist the fierce current of the times. They need to look to
the Spirit and the Word to hold them fast to the bedrock of truth. As we look to understand the
foundations of this present creation we need to hold fast to the one sure foundation of truth which
is Jesus Christ/Yahshua the Messiah.
I Corinthians 3:11
For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Yahshua Christ.
May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.