Page 38 - Foundations
P. 38

One other thing we could do is to look for similar statements, or parallel passages, that might shed
               light on this matter. For example, we could look to Luke’s opening statement from the Gospel
               account he penned.

               Luke 1:1-4
               Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just
               as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the Word have handed them
               down to us, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the
               beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you might
               know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.

               Note that Luke tells us that he is writing an account “of the things accomplished among us.” He is
               not writing of things that occurred before the creation of the world. Luke’s account is a terrestrial
               one. It is focused on the life and ministry of the Son of God on the earth as He dwelt among
               mankind. There are other Bible passages that affirm this same truth that the disciples of Christ were
               called to bear witness to what they beheld during their earthly sojourning with the Son of God.

               I John 4:14
               And we have beheld and bear witness that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

               John echoes the words of Christ in the gospel that he penned. He states that the disciples “bear
               witness” to Yahshua. He specifically says the witness is of that which they “beheld.” John does NOT
               say that the disciples beheld Christ in ages prior to His coming to earth, or that they walked with Him
               in realms that are celestial before this present age. The disciples of Christ bore witness to what they
               beheld when the Son of God walked among them.

               Yahshua Calling His Disciples

               I want to point out that it was necessary to look beyond the immediate context of John 15:27 to
               properly resolve this question of what beginning Christ was referring to. If we had looked too
               narrowly at this passage, we might have come up with some very strange interpretations. Someone
               might have used this verse as a proof text to declare that the disciples existed with Christ in heaven
               before  His  earthly  ministry.  Some  might  use  it  as  evidence  to  suggest  that  the  Bible  teaches
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