Page 345 - Foundations
P. 345
Wrapping Up
It hardly seems that it has been seven months since I began writing this book, yet the first post to this
series was published online on February 21, 2014. Today is September 12, 2014. When I set forth to
begin this writing I had certain goals in mind. I was troubled by the vast amount of confusion and
false teaching present among the body of Christ regarding the beginnings of creation. Whether the
subject is the ages of the earth, the identification of Jesus Christ/Yahshua the Messiah as “the only
begotten son of God,” the fall of angels and men, the beginnings of idolatry, the various doctrines
related to the creation account of Genesis, or other topics related to the foundations of this present
universe, one can find a myriad of conflicting and erroneous views.
One of my aims in addressing these foundational issues was to set forth the truth of each subject in
a manner that is faithful to the testimony of the Bible. In an hour when so many authors, speakers, and
Christian teachers are looking to extra-Biblical sources for their inspiration, including the occult
teachings of Kabbalah, and numerous pseudepigraphal (falsely attributed) writings, my desire was
to establish every matter by leading the reader back to the pages of holy Scripture. Every chapter of
this book contains abundant Biblical quotations, enabling the student of God’s word to test everything
It has not been possible to address every point of reader interest relating to the beginnings of God,
angels, man, sin, and the physical creation. I am satisfied, however, that attention has been given to
many critical issues of foundational truth. Many of these topics had long been weighing upon my
mind. Having a large correspondence with the saints of God from all across the world, I am aware of
the confusion so prevalent in the church. My heart’s burden and desire is summed up in the words
of the apostles Paul and John.
Hebrews 13:9
Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines.
III John 4
I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
It is certain that as we race forward to the end of this age and the next appearance of Christ, that
deceivers and deception will be increasingly abundant. We live in an hour when every son or daughter
of Christ who aspires to walk victoriously must be diligent to test every doctrine, every claim, every
word of prophecy. Those who prove to be deficient in searching out truth and exposing error will be
prey for the adversary. Satan’s chief weapons of destruction have always been deception and
enticement to various lusts. Those who would overcome him must be on guard, and exercise great
care. They must be as diligent in testing every doctrine as they are in ruling over the passions and
desires of the flesh. A failure in either area can have tragic repercussions.
As I pen these closing words, I feel as if a necessary task has been accomplished. When the
foundations of our beliefs rest upon solid rock, that which rests upon the foundation is able to stand
the tests of time. I pray that this book has been a boon to you, the reader, and has helped you to divide
between truth and error.