Page 315 - Foundations
P. 315
we also offspring.
[An Expanded Translation by Kenneth S. Wuest]
The folly of man is revealed in the feeble explanations of that which is called “science” as it attempts
to describe how life arose, and order and complexity of infinite magnitude appeared, spontaneously
out of chaos. The same minds that balk at the idea of an eternal, self-existent God, do not shrink back
from suggesting that matter and energy have always existed. Where did matter originate? They cannot
say. It simply always was. How did matter order itself into complexity, and how did the inanimate
become animate? Surely it is a great, indeed a miraculous leap, for non-living matter, a garbled mass
of elements, to arrange themselves into self-replicating life forms. Even more incredible is the
suggestion that inanimate matter developed intelligence on its own. The greatest leap of all is to
suggest that the highest life form (mankind) spontaneously developed self-awareness and personality.
The existence of the soul is truly inexplicable when mankind removes God from the equation. How
remarkable that a man and woman can come together in sexual union and a new life be generated!
This new life is not merely a functioning biological entity. It has awareness, emotion, will, and the
ability to reason. The soul that comes into being is not a rubber stamp of its parents. It is likely to
embrace very different values, beliefs, and desires than that of its ancestors. This is a great mystery,
and science has no satisfactory answer to the existence of life, or the development of the soul. All
theories that leave out an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal Creator fall flat. Life, indeed the very
creation itself, is miraculous in nature.
Nevertheless, there are those even among Christians who stumble over the historical narratives of the
Bible when there is a departure from what can be explained through scientific principles. They reject
much of what seems improbable, extraordinary, and supernatural. In some cases they do not reject
the Bible narrative entirely, but attempt to explain the Bible’s historical account through what they
understand of natural phenomena. Some years back I came across an attempt at scholarly explication
of the ten plagues of Egypt in the days of Moses. It was one of the most dissatisfying, inane, and
contrived expositions of Scripture I had ever encountered. The authors, attempting to completely
remove the aspect of the supernatural from the plagues of Egypt, reduced the Biblical narrative to a
natural chain of events that was bereft of the power of God.
I believe this rejection of the supernatural is an attempt by Christians to not appear foolish to those
who are acknowledged to be men and women of advanced scientific learning and wisdom.
Christianity has been lambasted by those with scientific credentials as these respected professionals
pretend that their theories do not require the same “blind faith” they accuse Christians of resorting
to. To believe the immense complexity and order of the universe, the existence of life, intelligence,
emotion, will, and the soul itself, all came about by “chance” is the greatest exhibition of blind faith
manifested among humanity today. Evolution is not as much a science as it is a religion. The religion
of evolution is based upon a denial of God, and a rejection of the supernatural.