Page 311 - Foundations
P. 311

There are a number of things to note in this poster. First, observe the modern crane that is erected on
               the tower. It symbolizes a renewal of the building of the Tower of Babel. Then note the odd shape of
               the stars that are above the tower. They are aligned upside down from what typically appears in flags
               and other symbols that display a five pointed star. The five pointed star is an occult symbol. When
               it appears in this orientation it is a symbol for Satan worship.

               Notice also that all of the people are square shaped. This signifies all humanity being molded into the
               same image. As we observe the New World Order arising at this time, we are observing a removal
               of personal liberty and freedom of expression. Only words and thoughts that are in compliance with
               the Luciferian philosophy are tolerated. All other voices are suppressed. To accomplish this societal
               uniformity a surveillance culture has arisen where every word and action of mankind is catalogued
               and flagged for non-compliance. Those who stand for righteousness, and who walk in the fear of God,
               are regarded as threats to the emerging global system.

               The slogan on the poster above is “MANY TONGUES, ONE VOICE.” Is this not a blatant attempt
               to  reverse  the  judgment  of  Yahweh  upon  mankind  at  Babel?  The  expression  “ONE  VOICE”
               announces that men will once again be united in ONE purpose, acting in concert with ONE mind.

               Men have occasionally given themselves to reflection to what it would have been like to live during
               a specific period of history. One might muse over what it may have been like to be alive during the
               time when man was all of one language, gathered on the plains of Shinar, focused on building the city
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