Page 290 - Foundations
P. 290

There are many such instances in the Bible where the first mention of something reveals its spiritual
               significance, meaning, or identity. Babel holds numerous firsts. It is the first city built by man that is
               mentioned in the Bible. It is the beginning of the first kingdom of man. It is the site of the first tower
               to be built. It is also the location where God first divided humanity in tongues, and tribes, and nations.

               Babel symbolizes the works of man performed independently of God, and, in many instances, in
               direct defiance of Yahweh. Regarding the building of Babel and its tower, we read:

               Genesis 11:6
               And Yahweh said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is
               what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.”

               There is nothing wrong with unity among mankind. It is no sin to be of the same mind and purpose
               with others. Christ prayed that His disciples might be one, even as He and the Father are one. Unity
               of purpose becomes an evil thing when men band together to accomplish things that are not God’s
               will, especially things that are done in defiance of God. Notice the words of Yahweh above. He says,
               “This is what THEY began to do...” This is NOT man working in harmony or agreement with God.
               It is man acting independently of God, in defiance of God. This is the legacy of Babel.

               God did not judge the people at Babel because they were of one mind and purpose. He judged them
               because  they  banded  together  to  accomplish  works  of  rebellion.  Babel  is  the  site  of  the  first
               coordinated effort of man to ascend to a position God had not ordained for them. Satan’s plan was
               (and is) to lead all humanity to manifest the same rebellious spirit against Yahweh that he has
               embraced. He wants to unite both men and angels in a defiant overthrow of Yahweh’s rule. The
               principle of Satan is self-rule. Satan was not content to fulfill the high call of God for his life. He
               desired to ascend higher, to determine his own way. The prophet Isaiah provides the following insight
               into the rebellion of this covering cherub.

               Isaiah 14:12-14
               How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down
               to the earth, you who have weakened the nations! But you said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven;
               I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses
               of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

               Satan seeks to infect all humanity with this same spirit of defiance toward the rule of God. He wants
               men to declare their independence of God. The devil wants mankind to seek to ascend to the heavens,
               behaving as if they were gods themselves, following his own example. Is this not what we see
               occurring at Babel? It is the location of the first kingdom of man. In establishing their own kingdom,
               man was rejecting Yahweh’s rule. They were determined to pursue their own will and plans, to make
               a name for themselves, seeking their own glory rather than that of the Creator.

               Yahweh brought confusion to the speech of man to hinder him in his rebellious purpose. By confusing
               the language of men, Yahweh effectively thwarted the unity that existed in their pursuit of evil. Men
               would still pursue evil after they dispersed from Babel, but the Luciferian goal of uniting all men
               under a single ruler in defiance of Yahweh was stymied. No longer were the various families of man
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