Page 271 - Foundations
P. 271
When Christians condemn the Israelites for their idolatry, while practicing the same rites and customs,
embracing the same symbols of sun worship, and observing holidays on the same dates as the pagan
religions, they are either blind, or they are guilty of justifying what God condemns. Is it any wonder
that in the last book of the Bible we find the Spirit of God calling Christians to come out of Babylon?
Babylon has overtaken the church.
Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of [Babylon], my people, that you may
not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues...”
For more on this subject, see the series titled Syncretism.
Once a Christian separates themselves from the corruptions of Babylon that have infiltrated the
church in the last 2,000 years, they will find that there are far fewer similarities between Christian
doctrines and practice and ancient false religions. It is much more difficult for college and university
professors to make a case for a pagan origin of Christianity once believers separate between the holy
and the vile. Nevertheless, some basic tenets of Christianity can be found in ancient religions going
as far back as Babel. How is this possible?
The preceding chapters of this writing have demonstrated that Yahweh has from ancient times made
known His plan for the redemption of mankind. The first communication of the divine plan for man’s
salvation was spoken to Adam and Eve immediately after they had sinned. Yahweh informed them
that a Seed would come forth from the woman that would crush the serpent’s head, signifying a
destruction of Satan’s authority and power over mankind. We observed that further specifics of God’s
plan were revealed to have been communicated to Adam and his descendants, for Abel’s offering of
lambs of the flock as a sacrifice to Yahweh reveal that the principle of a substitutionary sacrifice had
been made known by God. We are told that Abel’s offering was one of “faith” (Hebrews 11:4). Faith
always arises out from a word of God (Romans 10:17, Galatians 3:2, 5).
Furthermore, in the preceding chapters evidence was provided to substantiate that the stars of the
heavens themselves have been pouring forth speech night after night, declaring the glories of God
from the very foundation of the earth. The gospel message has been displayed in the constellations
of the heavens from the beginning of man’s history. This by itself is sufficient to account for the
appearance of various Christian doctrines and symbols appearing in pagan religions from ancient
times. If the body of Christ would separate itself from idolatrous practices, and begin to teach the
knowledge of the great antiquity of the gospel message, young believers would be better prepared to
resist attacks on their faith that are inevitable in a world under the dominion and influence of Satan.
The corruption of the prophetic message of the gospel began at once after the flood of Noah’s day.
Noah was a righteous man, pleasing to God. Sin, however, is ever restless, and it did not take long
before Noah’s descendants began to fall into that same error that so marked mankind before the flood.
The apostle Paul speaks of man’s descent into vain thoughts and sinful behavior in the following