Page 262 - Foundations
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travelers return home, to enter that harbor of safety where no storm can touch them. The ship and
its company of passengers are safely at rest in their homeport, with all the dangers of their journey
behind them, all trials completed and the victory won.
Seeing that Yahweh has given such a promise of hope to His people in His word, it should not be
surprising to find the same testimony written in the heavens.
Isaiah 51:11
So the ransomed of Yahweh will return, and come with joyful shouting to Zion; And everlasting joy
will be on their heads. They will obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.
We have arrived at the last constellation and sign of the zodiac. The heavenly testimony ends on a
triumphant note after having testified of the labors, struggle, rejection, and sorrow that precedes. It
is highly significant that in the Egyptian Zodiac the Lion is depicted as treading upon a serpent. It is
amazing that the message of Yahweh’s redemption through the labors of His Son remain visible in
the Egyptian Plaisphere, but the understanding had been lost. Raymond Capt writes:
All the stars in Leo magnify and exalt Him as the Coming Conqueror and Judge: the brightest star
(on the ecliptic) is called “Regulus,” meaning “treading under foot...” The next star, in the tip of the
tail, is named Denebola, meaning, “the Judge,” or “Lord who cometh.” The next star (in the mane)
is called “Al Giebha” (Arabic) meaning, “the Exaltation.” Another star (on the hind part of the back)
is called “Zosma,” which means “Shining Forth.”
Even as the last book of the Bible reveals Christ as the conquering King, seated upon a glorious
throne, or riding forth to battle the dragon and his armies, leading a magnificent company of shining
ones, we find that the scroll of the heavens has been declaring from the fourth day of creation the
ultimate triumph of the Son of God. The obedient Son who humbled Himself and suffered as a meek