Page 214 - Foundations
P. 214

that he was righteous...

               “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” It is discernible through the Scriptural
               comments  about  Abel’s  offering  that  Yahweh  had  spoken  to  man  about  the  principle  of  a
               substitutionary offering. By faith Abel was looking forward to that perfect sacrifice that Yahweh
               would one day provide as Yahshua, the Lamb of God, was offered up to atone for man’s sins. Even
               as Passover was delivered to Moses by God, and was to be observed annually until the Passover Lamb
               of God would be slain for the sins of the world, so too did men from the very earliest days offer up
               sacrifices to God, beginning with Abel. These had to be repeated annually as they were mere shadows
               of the perfect sacrifice to be realized in Christ.

               Hebrews 10:1, 14
               For the Law, since it has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things,
               can never by the same sacrifices year by year, which they offer continually, make perfect those who
               draw near... For by one offering [Yahshua] has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.

               It  is  not  through  direct  statement  of  the  Scriptures  that  we  are  able  to  ascertain  that  Yahweh
               communicated to Adam and his descendants many things regarding the coming Messiah; the One who
               would bear the sins of the world and destroy the power of Satan. Rather, it is through a significant
               accumulation of details that we are informed of these facts. The preponderance of evidence points to
               the conclusion that Yahweh, at least in general terms, communicated to early mankind specific
               information about His plan for the redemption and restoration of humanity to divine fellowship.

               Through a similar accumulation of evidence we are made to understand that Yahweh taught to men
               the message of their coming redemption through the constellations of the heavens. There is no
               specific verse stating this fact, but there are numerous passages that inform us of the following:

               •       Yahweh assigned to the stars a role to serve as signs, or oracles of divine truth. (Genesis 1:14,
                       Psalm 19:1-4, Luke 21:11, 25, etc.)
               •       Yahweh legitimizes a number of constellations in the Bible, as well as the collective zodiac
                       (mazzaroth), by mentioning them by name. (Job 9:9, 38:31-32, Amos 5:8, etc.)
               •       Yahweh states that He is the One who has assigned the stars to their courses and leads them
                       forth in their seasons. (Job 38:31-33, Psalms 8:3, Isaiah 40:26, etc.)
               •       Yahweh declared that He created the constellations. (Amos 5:8)
               •       Yahweh used the stars to announce the birth of His Son to the magi. (Matthew 2:2, 9-10)
               •       In the Book of Revelation we are given an example of Yahweh speaking prophetically through
                       signs in the heavens in the form of constellations. (Revelation 12:1-17)

               Added to this, we have the historical record that shows a tremendous consistency in describing the
               number of constellations and their figures. One of the earliest extant writers outside of the Bible to
               make mention of the constellations of the zodiac is Homer, the Greek author of the Iliad and the
               Odyssey. The date which Homer lived is disputed, with some placing him as early as the 12  century
               B.C., while others argue for a more recent date around the 8  century B.C.. In the Iliad is found the
               following passage describing Vulcan’s shield.
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