Page 206 - Foundations
P. 206

return of Christ to subdue the dragon and establish His rule over the earth. Such an important event
               will be announced and attended with signs in the heavens. There has been much written in recent
               years about a series of blood moons and solar eclipses that will occur on the Feast Days of Yahweh,
               culminating in the year 2017. Some believe these signs are announcing the Great Tribulation, being
               a fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel.

               Joel 2:29-31
               “I will pour out My Spirit in those days. And I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, blood,
               fire, and columns of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before
               the great and awesome day of Yahweh comes.”

               Despite the substantial  amount  of  Scriptural evidence that Yahweh created the stars  and  other
               heavenly luminaries to serve as “signs” to be read and understood by man, there are many Christians
               who reject completely this Biblical concept. While looking at reviews online for Frances Rolleston’s
               book Mazzaroth, I came across the following testimony.

               The essence of astrology is that there is "meaning" in the stars, e.g. that when Jupiter is in Leo, it
               means something. Other forms of divination presume to find meaning in other things in nature, e.g.
               that the arrangement of tea leaves or chicken entrails or the lines in one's palm have some esoteric
               meaning. These "Gospel in the Stars" books presume to find Biblical meaning in the constellations.
               [Source: Jay Ryan - Mazzaroth book review on Amazon]

               This rejection of stellar prophecy, lumping it together with unlawful forms of divination such as
               reading tea leaves and chicken entrails, and performing palm readings, reveals the subtlety of Satan.
               Not only has the devil provided a corrupt and counterfeit form of stellar prophecy that is recognized
               by the word “astrology” today, but he has been successful in convincing many Christians that the
               constellations and heavenly messages ordained by Yahweh are to be avoided. What a coup d’etat
               Satan has performed. He has co-opted the heavens as his own message board while effectually
               blinding the majority of the body of Christ to its legitimate divine function.

               One major distinguishing characteristic between Satan’s counterfeit astrology and Yahweh’s stellar
               prophecy is who it serves. Pagan astrology is largely self-serving. It is employed by people who want
               to know when the best time is to start a business venture, to pursue a romantic relationship, or to go
               to war against an enemy. Satanic imitations of the ways of God are always corrupted, being infused
               with Lucifer’s own self-seeking nature. This covering cherub was not content with the lofty position
               Yahweh had appointed to him. Filled with selfish ambition he desired to ascend higher.

               Isaiah 14:13-14
               You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and
               I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the
               clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

               People who practice astrology and consult horoscopes are looking for some advantage in life. They
               want to ascend. They desire to be assured of success, and to avoid suffering and defeat, by consulting
               with the stars. They are not content to lay their lives in God’s hands, trusting Him to choose for them
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