Page 99 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 99

over to the electric box to cut off the power. Right after he arrived a member of a church this
               man had formerly ministered at drove up. He saw the power man and asked him if he was
               about to cut the power off. The man affirmed that he was. This former church member then
               said that he had come to deliver some money to this minister and he asked if he could pay
               the power bill. The power employee agreed, and this minister was delivered at the very last
               second from having his electricity disconnected.
                     It seems strange to some that God would lead His children to trust Him in such ways,
               and  then  let  their  faith  be  tried  down  to  the  last  second.  Yet  what  a  testimony  and
               encouragement it is to wait upon God at such lengths, and then to see Him manifest His
               deliverance  at  such  a  propitious  moment.  It  is  hard  to  argue  against  the  fact,  when
               witnessing such events, that God has so arranged matters to try His saints in the furnace
               of affliction.
                     As I thought on what the Spirit was doing in our lives, and the lives of others, I wrote
               an article titled “A Whisper on the Wind.” It seems to me that God often gives His children
               scant evidence of His will for them. He may reveal that they are to trust Him in some matter
               by simply bringing them a gentle inner witness of His will, or speaking to them in a still
               small voice. These same saints must then contend with all the pressures of the world that
               literally shout at them, telling them the course they are on is some fool’s errand. A choice
               must be made whether they will obey the whisper they received from the Spirit of God, or
               whether they will give in to the relentless thundering of the voices of fear, anxiety and
               human reasoning. In the article A Whisper on the Wind are the following words:

                       There is a purpose to the Father’s working in your life. His voice may seem but a
                       whisper in your ears, while all that surrounds you in this world is shouting at you,
                       telling you what a fool you are to stay the course and follow the path set before you.
                       This whisper is speaking mysteries and telling you that magnificent promises will be
                       fulfilled just ahead, while the world is blaring forth its call to find refuge in its
                       embrace at this very moment. The enemy of your soul would like you to trade the
                       barely perceptible dream you are chasing after, for lesser things that can be had now,
                       at this moment. Don’t sell your birthright for a bowl of pottage. Though you feel that
                       you may perish at any moment from the unmet clamoring of your natural life, hold

               Rick Joyner, in the book The Call penned these words as Christ speaking to him,

                            Those who come to Me now, fighting through all the forces of the world that
                       rebel against Me, come because they have the true love of God. They want to be
                       with Me so much that even when it all seems unreal, even when I seem like a vague
                       dream to them, they will risk all for the hope that the dream is real. That is love.
                       That is the love of the truth. That is the faith that pleases My Father. All will bow
                       the knee when they see My power and glory, but those who bow the knee now when
                       they can only see Me dimly through the eyes of faith are the obedient ones who love
                       Me in Spirit and in truth. These I will soon entrust with the power and the glory of
                       the age to come...

                            You may be undergoing tremendous trials at this moment. You may feel like a
                       thirsty soul in the vast deserts of Egypt following a faint mirage in the distance that
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