Page 96 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 96
received in return was silence, and a knowledge that I had to patiently endure this trial.
For the past couple years I had followed God wherever He led me, often at great cost
to myself in pain and sorrow. I knew in my heart that I had never fought so hard to remain
faithful to His will, and it chafed at me greatly that others did not recognize this fact.
Instead of people recognizing my obedience, God allowed me to bear reproach after
reproach, and to routinely be numbered among the transgressors. This did not seem right
to me, and I poured out my complaint to God on numerous occasions.
About a week later the letter arrived from our landlord, and it was very terse, and a
bit threatening. In it he stated that I needed to take steps to pay the rent as soon as possible
to avoid any future unpleasant actions. When I read this my heart sank, and I felt very
dejected. I went and sat down on the edge of my bed and looked out the window. I told God
that I had been walking as faithfully as I knew how, and yet He was not allowing me to pay
my bills on time and now our friends saw me as a slacker. I told God I was greatly
discouraged and I needed some encouragement from Him.
I was praying these things silently, and I did not hear my wife approaching, but, as
soon as I said these words, she was standing beside me placing a piece of paper in my
hands. She left it with me without any explanation. I looked at the piece of paper, and the
first thing I read was the words, “Joseph was discouraged....” I looked at what she had
placed in my hands and it was a prophetic word someone had sent to my wife. She was led
at just that moment to print it off and give it to me. Following is the text of the message:
Prophetic Word by Teresa Seputis
Child of mine, do not lose heart. Know that I am with you in all things, and I will
cause My glory to burst forth in each of your situations. I know the testing of your
faith is not always easy, and I know it is difficult to be in the refiner’s fire. But My
desire for you is that you come forth as pure gold. Do not become discouraged and
do not lose heart.
Joseph became discouraged in prison as I prepared a humility in him that would
allow me to thrust him into a place of prominence in national politics. He looked to
his surroundings and not to My overall plans, and his heart was heavy and his walk
was more difficult than it had to be. He placed his hope in a man, in the chief butler
of Pharaoh’s courts. He expected that the chief butler would rescue him from prison
because of the anointing and accuracy with which he interpreted his dream. But the
chief butler was wrapped up in his own affairs and ambitions and quickly forgot his
promise to Joseph.
If you put your hopes in man, you will be disappointed, even as Joseph was
disappointed. Rather, keep your eyes and your vision and your expectation upon Me.
For I am faithful to fulfill the promises that I have made unto you. And no matter
what the circumstances look like, I am able to work My glory in them, and to make
you come forth into the calling and anointing I have given you. Do not fret because
of circumstances. Do not fret because man lets you down, or because man does not
recognize your calling and anointing. Rather, place your hope in Me, place your trust
in Me and watch how I will turn your situation around and work My glory in the
midst of it.
I am able, and I will work on your behalf in My perfect timing. Trust in Me and
know that My plans for you are good.