Page 90 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 90

not have imagined.
                     I spent much time in prayer during our month on the island. I would arise before the
               rest of my family, and I would ride my bicycle down to Driftwood Beach, a couple miles
               away. I would climb up on a large tree that had blown over and hardened on the beach, and
               I  would  watch  the  sun  rise  over  the  ocean.  One  morning  a  sea  otter  passed  directly
               underneath where I was sitting, as it waddled its way down to the water. I also spent time
               praying in the evenings as I stared at our campfire, or glanced at the stars through the
               canopy of oak trees that surrounded our campsite.
                     As I prayed, I reflected on the months leading up to our stay on Jekyll Island. The
               preceding year had taken a toll on me. I had received many wounds from fellow ministers,
               church members, family and friends, and had lived with much uncertainty and pain. Before
               leaving my employment at the hospital, a fellow worker gave me a brochure announcing a
               series of teachings to be conducted in a rented hall at a local park. The speaker would be
               teaching on end time events, and I read further where this unknown man traveled from
               town  to  town  where  he  would  post  his  fliers  announcing  that  he  would  be  speaking
               somewhere. He trusted God both to bring people in and to provide for his needs. I had
               considered how wonderful such a ministry would be, for I longed to teach the saints the
               truths of God’s word, and I also loved to travel. The Holy Spirit had been revealing many
               things to me that I believed He wanted the body of Christ to hear.
                     Yet, as I now considered embarking on such a ministry in our motorhome, I did not
               feel that I was ready. I did not sense that my faith was strong enough to drive to some town
               I had never been in before, while looking to God to meet the needs of my family. The
               anxieties I had known during the past year were still with me, and I felt that I needed a rest
               from the burden I had been under as I continued this walk of faith. I also was feeling the
               wounds of the continued criticism I was receiving from family members due to my not
               working. I began to ask God to give me a time of respite so that I could heal from all of my
               emotional wounds and regain my strength. I asked that He would release me from this faith
               walk, at least for a period of time, by allowing me to return to work.
                     The Lord heard my cry, and He answered my request. He would shortly provide a job
               for me, and allow me to have my reproach removed for a season. He would then launch me
               out into the deep once more.
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