Page 88 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 88

says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel, ‘Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not lack
                       a man to stand before Me always.’”

                     What an awesome promise! To this day there is someone from the line of Rechab who
               stands faithfully before God. I had considered painting the cover of the spare tire on the
               back of our motorhome with the words: “Sons of Jonadab - Jeremiah 35.” I shared with one
               man how this story had inspired me, and he suggested that the initials RV could stand not
               only for “Recreational Vehicle,” but also for “Rechabite Vehicle.”
                     David also wrote, “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance,” and it was while he was
               sleeping out under the stars tending sheep that he first fell in love with Yahweh. The things
               of this world can be a very real obstacle and distraction, competing with our devotion to
               God.  There  is  a  great  temptation  to  begin  serving  the  things  we  own,  and  to  devote
               ourselves to acquiring more and more of the goods of this world. Being ensnared by an
               accumulation of worldly goods, many have been led astray from the simplicity and purity
               of devotion to Christ.
                     The freedom I felt as I drove down the road was like nothing I had known before. I had
               no house to return to, no yard to maintain, no worldly obligations to which I had to attend.
               I was able to go where God directed, and at that moment the Spirit was leading me to take
               my family to Jekyll Island, Georgia for a month.
                     Along  with  these  heightened  feelings  of    freedom,  I  also  experienced  a  sense  of
               vulnerability.  This  vulnerability  intruded  upon  my  liberty  and  joy,  and  caused  me  to
               experience  moments  where  I  was  weighed  down  with  anxiety  and  fear.  This  was  my
               experience as I fluctuated between periods of great delight in what God had done in setting
               us free, and times of great anxiety as I worried about what we would do next, and where our
               provision would come from. We had now known fifteen months of the Father’s provision,
               and we had never lacked for any necessary thing, yet worry and anxiety had been constant
               companions along the way.
                     After paying for a month’s rent at the Jekyll Island RV Park, I had a couple hundred
               dollars left to spend on gas and groceries, and to use to wash clothes at the campground
               Laundromat. I had no idea where any further money would come from, nor where we would
               go when our month was over. These uncertainties fueled my worries, and made me question
               the rightness of what I had been hearing from God, and the direction our lives had taken.
                     In  hindsight  I  am  able  to  see  how  foolish  such  thoughts  were,  and  how  they
               diminished  the  great  enjoyment  I  should  have  known  during  this  month  when  God
               graciously provided me a month of rest and recuperation from the trials I had been walking
               in. Although I did not know what was in store for us next, it was very evident that God had
               led us to where we were at during that moment, and this alone should have been sufficient
               to bring me peace. If God wanted us to change our course at any time, He was very able to
               communicate His mind to us, and I need not have worried that I would be left in a lurch
               somewhere with  no  provision.  My  doubts  and  worries  reflected  a  lack  of  trust  in  the
               character of my heavenly Father. God wanted me to arrive at a place where I had a perfect
               confidence in His character. His flawless nature of love would never allow Him to abandon,
               or forsake, a son or daughter who was seeking to follow wherever He would lead.
                     Despite moments of anxiety, our month on Jekyll Island was a time of refreshing and
               recovery. The relationship Tony and I shared had been strained to the point of breaking in
               the preceding months, and God wanted to give us a time of new beginnings. He began to
               reveal this to us in many extraordinary ways. While on Jekyll Island, Tony and I celebrated
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