Page 64 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 64

if I would not change my course. The Holy Spirit had spoken to me some days earlier and
               had indicated that a separation was coming. The Spirit said that I was not to initiate the
               separation, but that I was not to resist it when it came. I spent many hours every day in
               prayer, for I was in much anguish at the rejection I was already sensing from my brothers.
                     On the day of the meeting I went to a place alone and I prayed fervently to God. I
               asked Him to give me an opportunity to share with them one more time about the necessity
               to follow Christ in faith wherever He would lead us. I asked God to guard my lips and keep
               me from saying anything He would not have me to speak. God answered my every request.
                     The meeting began by Richard asking me whether I was going to continue on my
               course, or whether I had changed my mind. He then gave me liberty to speak, and for about
               thirty minutes I shared from the depths of my heart concerning what I saw God doing
               among the body at Living Faith, and in our own family, in leading us into a walk of faith.
               I spoke of the obstacles to be overcome, and of the spirits of fear and unbelief that were
               hindering the body from going forward. I also spoke of a Jezebel spirit that was seeking to
               overturn the governmental order of God that is described in the words, “Christ is the head
               of man, and man is the head of woman, and God is the head of Christ.”
                     I was only interrupted one time when the wife of one of the ministers got up from her
               seat and stood in front of me and said, “You think your words are prophetic, but I tell you
               they are pathetic!” She hurled these words at me with great venom and then sat down again.
               In all of this I was given great grace to speak plainly and with an exceptional calmness, then
               the meeting was turned over for the other ministers to have a time to speak.
                     Richard said he considered my words to be “a bunch of crap,” and he then asked the
               other elders, one by one, to express their thoughts. All concluded that I was wrong and that
               they could no longer walk with me in ministry. I sat for about an hour as I was stoned by
               my brothers, and God gave me grace to sit silently and bear it all. Some of the reactions
               were angry and violent. One man told me three times that he could care less whether I died,
               that he was only concerned for my family.
                     Such a reaction was not unlike that which Joseph received from his brothers, for they
               too acted as though they could care less whether he died, and some expressed a desire to kill
               him. Yet, I find hope in the rest of Joseph’s story, for eventually Joseph’s brothers’ hearts
               were changed and they expressed sorrow for the evil things they had done. A day came
               when they were reconciled to Joseph, and it is my hope that I will also see such a day.
                     After this meeting I was reminded of the Sunday morning some months before when
               I was singled out among these same men and told that promotion was coming to me. I did
               not know that I would first have to experience rejection and demotion, and a removal from
               fellowship among the saints that had once been so precious to me. I did not know I would
               have to go a similar path as the son of Jacob, but God in His wisdom knows the best course
               to prepare all those whom He calls.
                     It was in much grief that I left this fellowship of believers. I had much hope when God
               brought us there that the saints at Living Faith would succeed where the last church had
               failed. The name Living Faith seemed to hold out much promise. After the ministers turned
               away from a path of faith, and had subsequently cast me out from their midst, I thought of
               the name of this church and the Spirit reminded me of a verse from Revelation:

                       Revelation 3:1
                       He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars, says this: “I know your
                       deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.”
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