Page 142 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 142

separated from his parents, and his sister held him tightly as he prayed with tears running
               down his face. He said, “Father, I do not know if I can go through this, but I ask you to
               strengthen me that I would be able to obey.”
                     Josiah was sobbing as he uttered this prayer, and I was reminded of Christ’s own
               impassioned plea to His Father in the Garden. My son did not shrink back, but chose
               instead to ask the Father for strength, and never have I been more proud of any person in
               my life than my son as I listened to his words. My heart was moved within me, and I felt
               that I could barely endure another moment. My heart was so drawn to my son at that
               moment that I would not have hesitated to do anything possible to assist him in his own
               trial. I prayed silently to God and I said, “Surely Father, Your heart must also be moved by
               such a pure cry from the heart of one who wants to be obedient to You. Surely You will show
               my son grace.”
                     I realized later as I looked back over these events that the Father had shown me that
               such a circumstance would occur. On that day when my son  was  caught outside in a
               thunderstorm and I had seen him crawling through the yard toward the house calling out
               for his parents to help him there was foreshadowed this day when I would see my son in
               distress. His vulnerability moved me to great compassion, and my heart was being turned
               over within me. I wanted to spare my son from any pain and suffering, but I knew we had
               to look to God to deliver us all, even as He provided a ram in place of Isaac.
                     I slept in the bed with my son that night with my arms wrapped around him. He fell
               asleep quickly, but my heart continued in pain and sorrow. I had confessed to God that I
               was willing to do even this, if He required it of me. I was willing to be separated from my
               children if that was the terrible price of intercession He required of me.
                     After  I  had  shared  with  my  family  what  the  Spirit  had  spoken  to  me  and  had
               confirmed to them that I could not shrink back, but I had to follow the Lord wherever He
               would lead me, our friends the Mills called and said that they felt the Lord would have them
               to offer for us to live with them for a time. I did not immediately recognize this as our ram
               in the thicket and our release from this test, for I had fully committed to obeying God and
               to seeing things through to their conclusion. I truly expected God to require us to carry
               through with this intercession to the end, and I was in agony, but I was willing and had
               already seen it as an accomplished fact. I was not looking for a way out, but rather a way
               through, so I did not realize how quickly the Father had responded to our willing obedience
               by opening up a door of provision. It was probably no longer than an hour, or at the most
               two hours, after we had prayed to God and asked Him to strengthen us in this trial that the
               Mills called and said they believed God would have us to stay with them. As the next
               morning dawned I began hearing the Spirit speak to me and tell me that this was His
               provision. He had seen our willingness to not shrink back from this great test, and He was
                     In hindsight I now see the significance of all the eights and sevens that we encountered
               when  we  moved  in,  for  these  two  numbers  together  speak  of  that  which  is  full  and
               spiritually mature, that which is superabundant and satisfying to God. He had opened up
               a door for us to remain in this community for a couple more months and to intercede for
               this  people,  and  having  received  our  intercession  He  was  now  moving  us  on.  Our
               intercession had arisen as a fragrant aroma to His nostrils, and He would now bring us a
               season of peace and grace, which He signified in many ways.
                     I would be less than honest if I told you that I have not had many doubts about all of
               the things we walked through during that time. I wondered whether it was actually God who
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