Page 138 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 138

receive the final news of our eviction. The Sheriff was a kindly gentleman. He told me the
               landlords wanted him to throw us out that day and put our belongings by the road, but he
               told them he didn’t do things that way. He said that he preferred to give people a period of
               grace to move out in an orderly fashion, and he would give us three more days to allow us
               to  move  our  belongings.  He  was  almost  apologetic  about  his  duty,  and  his  gracious
               demeanor did wonders for my tense nerves.
                     God was to open up a place for us to move to the very next day, and we would end up
               getting all of our things moved in good fashion during the next three days. It happened to
               be Labor Day weekend, so some of our friends had time off from work and they helped us
               move. A couple we had known for a number of years, Randy and Georgina Mills, had heard
               of our predicament and they prayed and felt like the Lord would have them to offer for our
               family to come and live with them for a time. We could place our belongings in their garage,
               and we could also help them out by completing some remodeling projects on their home.
               I prayed about this offer and felt the Lord would have us to accept it. We would end up
               staying with this couple for five months.
                     God gave us some confirmations of His tremendous grace being loosed to us at this
               time. I had prayed for grace in this situation, and it had impressed me that the Sheriff had
               used the word grace when he said that he preferred to give people a grace period to move
               their things in an orderly fashion. When I remembered these words it seemed to me that
               God had deliberately led this man to use this term to show me that He had heard my prayer.
               Another testimony of God’s grace being extended to us was to occur on the day we moved
               out. I did not set my alarm on the Sunday we were to move, but I woke up and looked at the
               clock and it was exactly 5:00 AM. Five is the Scriptural number for grace, and it was very
               unusual that I would wake up at this time, for I had been in the habit of waking between six
               and seven.
                     When I checked the news on the computer that morning I was faced with an even
               more remarkable confirmation. The headlines read:

                       Texas braces for wind, rain as Grace nears
                       (CNN) --As Tropical Storm Grace moved steadily closer to the Texas Gulf Coast,
                       Hurricane Fabian churned far east of the Caribbean, the National Hurricane Center
                       in Miami, Florida, said Sunday.
                       At 5 a.m. EDT, Grace was about 115 miles southeast of Corpus Christi, Texas, and
                       moving to the northwest near 14 mph, forecasters said. That motion would bring the
                       storm's center across the Texas coast sometime Sunday.
                       Strong winds and rain from the storm have fallen over East Texas and southern
                       Louisiana, forecasters said. They predicted rainfall accumulations of 6-8 inches in
                       those areas, with higher amounts in some places.
                       A tropical storm warning remained in effect for the Texas coast from High Island to
                       Corpus Christi.

                     The statements in this article were too incredible to be mere coincidence. The time
               given for this tropical storm update was 5 AM, five being the number of grace. Grace was
               115 miles from Corpus Christi, 115 being 23 times 5, 23 signifying God’s provision as in the
               23rd Psalm “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,” and five once more being the
               number of grace. God was stating through this that His grace was being loosed in the area
               of provision. But the clincher is that it said Grace was heading toward Corpus Christi, which
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