Page 102 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 102

A Titus Two Woman

                  n the months that followed our time on Jekyll Island, where My wife and I celebrated our
               Isixteenth wedding anniversary, the Lord continued to bring about many new beginnings
               in our home. We had not been in our townhouse long, and I had only been teaching college
               classes a short time, when God began leading my wife to make some profound changes in
               her life. I will let Tony share this in her own words.

               [Begin Quote]
                     The Father began speaking to me in January of 2001 about the head covering. I began
               to diligently study the Word and pray about this asking the Father to show me if this was
               for today. My husband has believed in the covering from the beginning of our marriage yet
               I  did  not  see  this  practiced  in  the  churches  that  we  attended.  As  I  studied  I  became
               convicted that this was what the Father was leading me to do.
                     One day in June as I was disciplining my son because he had not done what I had
               asked him to do earlier in the day, I heard the Father speak to me that I had not yet obeyed
               Him in something that He had asked me to do. I knew right away that He was speaking
               about me covering my the next day when I got up I began wearing the covering.
               That was June of 2001. (I need to interject something here: One thing that really grieved
               my heart, was that I realized that all the years we have been married, knowing that my
               husband believed in the covering and desired that I cover, the Holy Spirit showed me that
               I had been in sin and rebellion all those years that I did not cover. I very quickly repented
               of my sin, received the forgiveness that I so desperately needed and now I am walking in
               obedience to the Lord and my husband.)
                     The first thing that took place when I began covering is that I had a peace settle over
               me like I have never experienced is still here too. There have been several things
               that have taken place since I began covering and I consider each of these things to be
               blessings sent from God to me as a result of my obedience to Him in the area of covering
               and dressing modestly. I guess the one that has meant the most to me is that my hubby told
               me that I am more beautiful to him now than ever before. <Very Big Grin>
                     I wish I had time to tell you all that we have walked through in our marriage and how
               we got to where we are would blow your mind!! I have noticed that he now sees me
               in a different light and he has always been respectful to me, but that has increased even
               more and I also see his love poured out to me even more. He spoke to me one day about this
               and told me that he sees a gentle and quiet spirit that has not been present before. That was
               very humbling.
                     My  son  has begun showing more respect toward me and his whole  attitude  has
               amazed me. He has been very encouraging to me in his own little way since I have been
               covering. He is funny sometimes....I will have my dress on and will sit down and may not
               notice that my dress is not pulled down all the way over my legs and he will bring it to my
               attention. This has been a big thing to him. His whole perspective on modesty has changed,
               and I am so grateful for this. Also, my hubby and I have been out eating before and I have
               had older men walk over to our table and stand there and just smile at me and one even
               nodded his head at me as he turned to leave. It is like this demands respect, and it is given.
                     Our daughter began covering in February of 2002 and then the dresses followed for
               her in April. I see this as a true blessing from God as a result of my obedience to Him in
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