Page 91 - Dragon Flood
P. 91

Gadsden Flag

               This flag was soon afterwards modified and became one of the first official flags of America,
               before the stars and stripes. In the following form it was, and still is, called the First Navy

               This flag continues to be flown from the oldest ship in the United States Navy. At the time
               of this writing, it is being flown from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.

               What I would point out in all of this is that there is a very discernible link between the
               “influences of the heavens,” as David Ovason refers to in The Secret Architecture of Our
               Nation’s Capital, and the nation that is called the United States of America. The same
               symbol in the heavens that represents “the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and
               Satan,” was adopted by the men who under his guidance and inspiration were the founding
               fathers of America.

               This is important to know, for as the book of Genesis reveals, “the serpent was more
               cunning than any other beast of the field.” These words describe the policy by which
               America’s government has operated since her inception. This is the manner in which the
               government guides and directs the citizens of her own nation. She practices cunning and
               deception. This will become more obvious as this present series develops.
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