Page 87 - Dragon Flood
P. 87

Masonic Ladder

               As  a  man  advances  in  the  esoteric  knowledge  of  Freemasonry,  being  trained  in  the
               Luciferian doctrines, he is ever striving toward a state of enlightenment. He is told that he
               can be a light upon the earth, having the key of wisdom, the secret to ascending to godhood.
               (Note the key hanging from the ladder in the image above.)

               The message portrayed in the Rotunda Dome is that George Washington, as the first
               president of the new Masonic nation, himself being a lifelong Freemason, had attained to
               a state of godhood. If you look closely at the image of Washington in this painting, you can
               see that his pose mirrors that of the statue that was placed underneath.

               George Washington - As Above, So Below

               Note also the stars in the painting to the far left and right in the image above. Once again
               Satan is mimicking the promises of Yahweh.

               Daniel 12:3
               “Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and
               those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”

               Satan,  the  great  deceiver,  promises  that  he  holds  the  key  to  mankind’s  ascension  to
               godhood. He pretends to have the secret knowledge whereby man might ascend to the
               heavens and rule as gods. He would invite men to devote themselves to the study of his
               Luciferian doctrines, and obedience to his rule.

               It is not by coincidence that Mormon belief includes this same teaching. Mormons are
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