Page 86 - Dragon Flood
P. 86


               The statue was eventually removed from the Rotunda due to public outcry. It now sits in
               the Smithsonian Museum. One gets a sense of the meaning of Washington’s hand gestures
               as they consider where his statue was designed to be placed, and what was directly overhead
               in the Rotunda.

               Apotheosis of Washington

               This painting on the inside of the Capitol Dome is called The Apotheosis of Washington. It
               shows George Washington ascending into the heavens to take his place alongside the gods
               of Rome. The word apotheosis means “elevation to a divine status.” This painting portrays
               one of the foremost teachings of Freemasonry. It is taught that as a man advances through
               the various degrees of Freemasonry that he is ascending toward godhood. The Freemasons
               often employ an image of a ladder ascending into heaven as a symbol of man’s progress
               toward deification.
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