Page 85 - Dragon Flood
P. 85

worship him. “As above, so below.”

               It was shown earlier that the capital city of America is laid out with many occult symbols.
               We observed the Star of Mendes, another image of Satan as the goat headed god of this
               world, laid out in the streets of Washington, D.C.. The chin of the goat, representing the
               spirit of Satan, rests right upon the White House. If one were to overlay the image of
               Baphomet shown above onto the street grid of Washington, D.C., with the chin resting on
               the White House, they would find that the flame atop the torch would rest directly upon the
               House of the Temple, the headquarters of Freemasonry in North America. This Masonic
               building is precisely 13 blocks from the White House.

               In 1832, the 100  anniversary of the birth of George Washington, Horatio Greenough was
               commissioned by the Congress to create a statue of Washington to be placed in the Capitol
               Rotunda. The marble statue attracted controversy as soon as it was unveiled in 1841.
               Greenough had modeled the body of Washington after the Roman god Zeus. He was bare
               chested,  wearing  a  toga,  and  many  thought  it  was  indecent  to  display  an  image  of
               Washington in this immodest condition.

               George Washington Statue

               What  is  striking  is  that  Washington  is  posed  similarly  to  Eliphas  Levi’s  drawing  of
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