Page 76 - Dragon Flood
P. 76

Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President

               If you will click on the link above and read the full description of this book, you will find
               that it is focused on refuting the false claims of David Barton that are found in his own book
               titled The Jefferson Lies.

               David Barton and The Jefferson Lies

               If a book were ever named appropriately, this book is. It is filled with David Barton's lies
               about Thomas Jefferson. Barton has sought to make Jefferson appear as a mainstream
               Christian who held orthodox views on Christianity while fully supporting the Christian
               church. Such a position is so easily refuted by existing evidence, much of it being Jefferson's
               own words, that the publisher has recently decided to cease printing Barton's book due to
               the outcry arising from those who have clearly demonstrated the abundance of factual error
               contained in its pages. For a publisher to pull a book like this indicates that they realize that
               Barton's claims are untenable and the deception being practiced reflects negatively on the

               Please see the article on the Wall Street Journal website to read about this book being


               So basically, you are viewing information from a lying "Christian" who is seeking to re-write
               American history, and a Mormon broadcaster whose affiliations with Freemasonry would
               render him an unreliable source.

               There is a reason that this disinformation is out there. Satan desires to keep people deceived
               as long as he can. This is why YOU need to be extremely cautious in testing every claim you
               hear in this hour. We live in a time of great deception and those Christians who fail to
               perform due diligence in fact checking what is being presented to them will be swept away
               by the adversary.

               Revelation 12:15
               And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he
               might cause her to be swept away with the flood.
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