Page 74 - Dragon Flood
P. 74

It is far more romantic, and conducive to fostering a fervent national patriotism, to paint
               a picture of Washington kneeling in the snow as if in humble prayer to God than it is to
               show him in relation to native America towns razed to the ground, the crops destroyed, and
               the women and children enslaved, or to describe him as the largest seller of hard liquor in
               America, or to draw a picture of his home at Mount Vernon with the more than three
               hundred slaves who were his personal property. Yet the latter descriptions are true, and the
               image of him kneeling in the snow is false.

               Americans, and especially Christians in America, are quick to swallow lies and embrace
               falsehoods about the founding fathers for they are predisposed to believe that America is
               a godly nation founded by godly men. This assumption makes the Christian’s participation
               in the materialistic, and hedonistic spirit of the nation seem acceptable.

               After a recent post a sister in Christ sent me a link to an interview between Glenn Beck and
               David Barton. David Barton is founder of Wall Builders Ministries. He is a staunch advocate
               of America as a historically Christian nation.

               Glenn Beck and David Barton

               Note the image of three of the founding fathers of America behind David Barton. These are
               Jefferson (I believe), Washington and Franklin. Beneath their portraits are the words
               “Faith,” “Hope,” and “Charity.” One could hardly imagine a more glowing endorsement of
               these men as scions of righteousness than to make them the embodiment of the three
               greatest Christian virtues. Following is the video that I was asked to view and comment on.

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