Page 72 - Dragon Flood
P. 72

It was this same minister who concocted the story of George Washington kneeling in the
               snow to pray to God while his army was camped at Valley Forge.

               One of  his best known  stories  of Washington's piety  comes from  Weems' account  of
               Washington praying at Valley Forge. Weems tells of a man named Isaac Potts who
               silently witnesses an unsuspecting Washington, kneeling humbly in the snow, praying for
               God's blessing of his troops. Although the story was questioned as early as the 1850s, it
               became emblazoned on the American memory by a painting by Henry Brueckner in the

               George Washington - Prayer at Valley Forge

               George Washington was not the saint Weems portrayed him to be. Weems biographies were
               seeking to counteract less favorable portrayals of Washington that appeared at the time. I
               suspect that Weems made no mention of Washington building the largest whiskey distillery
               in America following his retirement from office.

               Washington’s Whiskey Distillery

               Rather  than  manifesting  the  selflessness  Weems  describes,  Washington  had  purely
               pecuniary motives. Writing to James Anderson, Washington’s plantation manager, he
               stated the following:
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