Page 71 - Dragon Flood
P. 71

Christ today.

               Tragically, Satan has enlisted Christians as some of the chief promoters of his lies. There
               have been a great many books published, and sermons preached, that are promoting the
               idea that America has a divine form of government, and that it is a Christian nation. The
               images of America’s founding father’s are whitewashed to make them appear saintly. When
               great effort is set forth with the aim to promote a righteous and holy image of men who
               were  not  Christians,  but  who  were  members  of  Luciferian  organizations  such  as
               Freemasonry, then the prudent disciple should be wary.

               George Washington and the Cherry Tree

               Every  boy  and  girl  in  American  public  school  has  heard  the  story  of  little  George
               Washington and the cherry tree. It is said that George received a new axe, and wanting to
               try it out as young boys will, he chopped down one of his father’s prize cherry trees. When
               his father discovered his tree had been chopped down, we are told  that little George,
               knowing well that he would be punished, did not hide his transgression, but said. “Father,
               I cannot tell a lie. I chopped down the cherry tree.” This story was a fable devised by a
               minister who wrote two biographical works on the life of George Washington not long after
               the first President had died.

               [The story] was invented by a parson named Mason Locke Weems in a biography of
               Washington published directly after his death. Saturated with tales of Washington's
               selflessness and honesty, “A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits, of General
               George Washington”(1800) and “The Life of George Washington, with Curious Anecdotes
               Laudable to Himself and Exemplary to his Countrymen”(1806) supplied the American
               people with flattering (and often rhyming) renditions of the events that shaped their hero.
               Weems  imagined  everything  from  Washington's  childhood  transgression  and
               repentance to his apotheosis when "at the sight of him, even those blessed spirits seem to
               feel new raptures."

               This minister created fictitious tales to magnify the character of the nation’s first President
               and America’s top military leader of the Revolutionary War. It reveals something about the
               spirit behind such works when the men writing these stories resort to fabricating a false
               history. Lying is not a practice encouraged by Christ, but it is very much promoted by Satan.
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