Page 7 - Dragon Flood
P. 7
The Hidden Hand
Salomon Rothschild
To clearly have unveiled to one’s eyes the vast deception that inundates the nations today
the Christian must look beyond the realm of man to perceive those dark spiritual forces that
have been at work among man since the fall of our first forebears in the Garden of Eden.
Many people, and myriads of websites, books, and videos today are focused upon man’s part
in the deception of this world. The Illuminati, Freemasonry, and organizations such as the
Bildebergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Counsel on Foreign Relations are real.
These are instruments of Satan, pawns in his hand to accomplish his evil plans. However,
if one does not perceive the hand behind these groups of men and women they will surely
find it difficult to conceive of such wickedness being carried out over centuries, even
millennia, ever marching forward toward a goal.
Men are by consequence of the fall and a shortened lifespan quite impatient. They want to
quickly partake of their happiness, pleasure, power, fame, wealth, or whatever it is their
soul lusts after. It is unusual for a man to plan beyond his own generation. He may perhaps
give some attention to leaving an inheritance to his living offspring, but seldom does any
man make earthly plans that will not be realized until well after his generation has passed.
Satan, however, has a longer view of things. Satan is not constrained by the same mortal
lifespan that God placed upon mankind. He has been alive and present throughout the
entire history of humanity. He has been steadily advancing his plan to bring all earthbound
creation under his dominion. We do err when we see no further than the human agents that
Satan operates through. We must perceive the greater mind and power behind the scenes.
The apostle Paul perceived that mankind’s greatest adversaries were not flesh and blood,
but spiritual forces of darkness in league with Satan.
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers,
against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the
heavenly places.