Page 56 - Dragon Flood
P. 56

Now it is revealed that the Masons perform rites under the astrological influence of the
               Dragon’s Head.

               Satan’s masquerade as a bringer of good gifts to mankind is further observed in his guise
               as Prometheus, the bringer of secrets to mankind. A statue of Prometheus is on display at
               Rockefeller Center.

               Under Prometheus is seen the Zodiac, linking once more the influence of the heavens to the
               success of the American nation.

               In the plans to revolt against the King of England laid down by Freemasons in the Green
               Dragon Tavern whose upper floor served as a Lodge of Masonry; in the execution of the War
               of Independence by generals who were Freemasons; in the selection of a Freemason as the
               first President, and his oath of office being administered by the head of Freemasonry in New
               York  State;  in  the  Masonic  street  design  of  the  capital  city  and  its  numerous  official
               buildings; in the myriad of Masonic cornerstone laying ceremonies conducted with care
               under the influence of the stars and heavenly bodies, America was founded to serve a chief
               role in Satan’s plan to bring all the world under his dominion.

               Before judging the vast number of men who have been involved at all levels of Freemasonry,
               decrying their blindness in joining such a wicked enterprise that is at its heart Luciferian,
               consider  how  Christianity  has  been  deceived in  embracing the  idea that  America is  a
               Christian nation. There has been a great lack of discernment all around. Yet in this late hour
               Yahweh would have His elect to wake up and cast off all delusion.

               America is in a large sense a modern incarnation of Babylon. Her leaders have continued
               to make offerings of corn, oil and wine to Baal. She has her court astrologers, her sorcerers,
               her magicians (wise ones), who plan their way according to the influence of the heavens.
               The end of America can be no different than that of Babylon. Read again the words of
               Yahweh spoken through the prophet Isaiah.

               Stand fast now in your spells and in your many sorceries with which you have labored
               from your youth; Perhaps you will be able to profit, perhaps you may cause trembling.
               You are wearied with your many counsels; Let now the astrologers, those who prophesy
               by the stars, those who predict by the new moons, stand up and save you from what will
               come upon you.
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