Page 55 - Dragon Flood
P. 55

Looking again at the image of the Goathead of Mendes, note that there is a candle atop the
               inverted star. The candle represents illumination, enlightenment, the wisdom that Lucifer
               the light bearer pretends to bring to mankind. What is very revelatory is that the flame of
               the candle when overlaid upon the map of Washington, D.C. falls directly upon the House
               of the Temple, the headquarters for Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States.

               House of the Temple - Washington, D.C.

               Note  the  flame,  or  sunburst  on  the  front  of  this  building  behind  the  pillars.  This
               corresponds to the flame at the top of the candle on the image of the goathead. Everywhere
               one turns they find the marks of Freemasonry upon the capital city of the United States. It
               is truly a city whose design and construction was carried forth by Freemasons under the
               inspiration of Satan. The Dragon’s head has found a resting spot in this city, and the
               government that resides there.

               Ovason recounts time and again how key events in the nation’s history were coordinated
               with the influences of the heavens. One of the most common recurring themes in the
               astrological  charts  for  significant  dates  in  American  history  is  the  influence  of  Caput

               “The chart for the first Continental Congress, which met at 10:00 A.M. on September 5,
               1774, in Philadelphia, is outstanding for several astrological reasons. First of all, there is
               scarcely any equivocation about its timing or date. Secondly, the event it marks had a
               very distinctive consequence for the history of the United States...

               The emphasis of the chart is in Virgo: no fewer than four planets and one nodal point are
               in the sign, with the Sun exactly upon the Dragon’s Head, in trine to Jupiter. At ten in
               the morning Venus was exactly upon the mid-heaven. All in all, this is a very beneficial

               Satan has deceived myriads to believe that he is a bringer of good things to mankind. From
               his first offering of the forbidden fruit to Eve, he has masqueraded as a beneficent being,
               and millions continue to be deceived to this day. David Ovason speaks of the heavenly
               symbol of the Dragon’s Head commenting on its benefit to mankind. The Freemasons
               embrace the image of the dragon as their own. It has previously been observed that the
               HEADquarters of the American Revolution was the Masonic owned Green Dragon Tavern.
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