Page 52 - Dragon Flood
P. 52

building dedication.

               “Shortly before midday, Jupiter was rising in Scorpio (Jupiter also was rising on the day
               that the first marker stone was ceremonially placed in the capital city.)... In the Capitol
               chart, however, there is emphasis on Virgo which, with good reason, we have begun to
               expect in horoscopes relating to the federal city. The Sun and Mercury are in Virgo, as is
               the Dragon’s Head.”

               Skipping forward some 55 years we arrive at the date in which the cornerstone for the
               Washington Monument was laid, July 4, 1848. Ovason provides the following insight.

               “As I have indicated, probably one reason why the Masons chose to lay the stone in the
               afternoon was because they wished to allow the all-important Virgo to become operative
               in the chart. Shortly before lunchtime on that day, the Moon went into Virgo.

               In fact, there was another Virgoan influence in this chart which might be missed by
               someone not familiar with the workings of astrology. The all-important Dragon’s
               Head in the 1848 chart is in 25 degrees of Virgo.

               Remarkably, during the morning of September 18, 1793, when the Capitol building was
               founded, the Sun was also passing through this same degree of Virgo. This could scarcely
               be accidental - it must have been arranged for astrological reasons by the Masons. Both
               placings - and hence, both charts - point to something of profound importance.

               According to medieval Arab astrologers (who excelled in star lore), this degree had a
               particular importance: it marked that point in the zodiac where the Moon was thought
               to promote  the greatest happiness and well being. We  must  presume, then, that the
               intention  behind  the  choice  of  moment  was  that  this  beneficial  influence  would  be
               transmitted into Washington, D.C.”

               Summarizing this astrological information, the Dragon’s Head is a node of the Moon. The
               Moon represented in the figure of the Dragon’s Head was exerting its greatest influence at
               precisely the moment of the cornerstone ceremonies for the Capitol and the Washington
               Monument. Thus the influence of the Dragon’s Head was transmitted into Washington,

               Approximately fifteen years ago I first became aware of the Satanic/Masonic design of
               Washington, D.C. through excerpts from the book Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy. I came
               across images and commentary from his book on the Internet. Tupper Saussy demonstrated
               that the street plan, and locations of key buildings in the capital city were laid down with
               great deliberation to form occult symbols. Among these symbols are the Masonic Compass
               and Square.
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