Page 49 - Dragon Flood
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success to the endeavors in which men and nations committed themselves. Yahweh speaks
               the following to those who put confidence in such things.

               Isaiah 47:12-13
               Stand fast now in your spells and in your many sorceries with which you have labored from
               your youth; Perhaps you will be able to profit, perhaps you may cause trembling. You are
               wearied with your many counsels; Let now the astrologers, those who prophesy by the stars,
               those who predict by the new moons, stand up and save you from what will come upon you.

               It would surprise many people, particularly Americans, and Christians in the United States,
               to learn that the practices of Babylon are not extinct. In fact, they have been practiced by
               the founders of this nation and continue to this very hour. Those who guide the counsels
               of America have consulted with the stars, and no significant work has been undertaken
               without first doing so. The practices of Babylon have been preserved by Satan and carried
               forward by secret societies, foremost of which in America has been Freemasonry.

               David  Ovason  in  his  insightful  and  exceptionally  well  documented  book  The  Secret
               Architecture  of  Our  Nation’s  Capital  has  demonstrated  quite  convincingly  that
               Washington, D.C. was designed as a Masonic city. Ovason is writing from the viewpoint of
               a man much learned in the esoteric rites and symbols of ancient mysteries. Ovason is an
               teacher of astrology by trade, understanding the ancient practice of casting horoscopes to
               determine auspicious days in which nation’s would begin new works. His understanding of
               arcane lore is revealed in his book.

               Not surprising is the fact that Ovason is not a Christian. What did strike me as surprising
               was to learn that Ovason was not a Freemason when he wrote this book. However, he
               received such warm encouragement from some top Freemasons in America when his book
               was published, that he afterwards became one.

               In his book on the secret architecture of Washington, D.C., Ovason explains the significance
               of casting a horoscope to determine the optimal time for beginning various works such as
               laying the cornerstone for important national buildings. Ovason writes the following:

               The formal laying of a cornerstone was no new thing, even in America. It was already a
               ritual sanctified by Masonic tradition, a throwback to an age when it was believed that
               all human activities were overseen by the gods. In essence, the cornerstone ceremonial
               was designed not only to gain the approval of the spiritual beings, but also to ensure that
               these were content that the building was being brought into the world at the right time.
               That is one reason why it was commonplace for those designing cornerstone rituals to
               examine the time of the ceremonial in the light of astrology.
               [Source: David Ovason, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital]

               Although Ovason has discovered none of the horoscopes that were cast to determine the
               dates on which events took place in the Nation’s Capital, he has examined the dates and
               times and drawn up the horoscopes himself. His conclusion is that “We must assume that
               whoever was directing the planning of Washington, D.C... had a considerable knowledge
               of astrology...”
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