Page 47 - Dragon Flood
P. 47

Dragon’s Head

               George Washington - U.S. Capitol Building Ceremony

               Look closely at the image above. George Washington appears in full Masonic regalia as the
               cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol building was laid in an elaborate ceremony. The above
               painting is a historically accurate depiction of the Freemason’s cornerstone laying ceremony
               that took place on September 18,1793 in Washington, D.C. as the construction of the U.S.
               Capitol building was begun. Note to the right are three men bearing corn, oil, and wine.
               These are poured atop the cornerstone as part of an offering to the god of Freemasonry. The
               identity of this god is clearly revealed in the following passage of Scripture where the
               prophet Hosea has recorded the words of Yahweh.

               Hosea 2:8
               For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver
               and gold, which they prepared for Baal.

               Every major building in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, was dedicated
               with the laying of the cornerstone in a Masonic ritual. In every occurrence, the Freemasons,
               many of whom were Congressmen, Presidents, and other national leaders, offered up corn,
               oil, and wine as part of the ceremony.

               Specific words are recited at each cornerstone laying ceremony. Following is that portion
               of the ritual relating to the corn, wine and oil. As you read it, keep in mind that the one
               referred to as Supreme Grand Architect, Supreme Ruler of the World, and Almighty God
               is known to the author of these rites to be Satan.

               The Deputy Grand Master receives from the Grand Marshal the vessel containing Corn, and
               spreads the corn upon the stone, saying:

               DEPUTY GRAND MASTER: May the health of the workman employed in this undertaking
               be preserved to them, and the Supreme Grand Architect bless and prosper their labors.
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