Page 46 - Dragon Flood
P. 46

II Timothy 2:4
               No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may
               please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.

               Controversies of taxation pertaining to kings and governments should matter not one whit
               to the Christian. Our lives on this earth are not given to us that we might pursue “life,
               liberty, and happiness.” They are given to us that we might be perfected as sons of God as
               we follow Christ down an afflicted path, daily taking up our cross to follow Him.

               The beliefs, practices and prejudices of Americans (Christian and non-Christian) are often
               formed by events that they have no knowledge of, or have been deceived about. These things
               can be as mundane as the reason that Americans drink coffee and the English drink tea. Did
               you know this American habit is traceable back to the Green Dragon Tavern? The lower
               level of the Green Dragon was a public meeting house where tea, coffee, and alcoholic
               beverages were served. British as well as American colonialists, Tories as well as Patriots,
               all were known to gather in this popular watering hole.

               When the crisis of American independence began, and particularly after the Boston Tea
               Party, any who drank tea in the tavern were branded as Tories (British loyalists) where as
               those who ordered coffee were recognized as American Patriots. The practice spread from
               there until a bias developed for drinking coffee rather than tea.

               Yet, some of the biases, thoughts and beliefs of Americans are not so trivial. Satan has done
               a diabolical work by getting millions of Christians in America to celebrate rebellion. The
               casting off of authority, and the deplorable lack of honor among American society is a great
               tragedy and source of much unrighteousness. What we believe impacts our lives in both
               subtle and overt ways. Satan has deceived many into honoring actions of rebellion of which
               he was the author.

               Let us cast off the deceit of the enemy and begin to judge with righteous judgment.
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