Page 18 - Dragon Flood
P. 18

The practice of displaying the American flag next to a flag that symbolizes Christianity,
               establishes a mental connection of there being a oneness and unity of purpose in the
               government of God and the government of America. The two flags stand side by side as
               brothers in arms. There is nothing to suggest that there is any antipathy between the
               entities and persons signified by these emblems.

               One of the reasons this deceit has been swallowed so freely is that Christians in America
               have not tested the claims of America’s founding that they heard while attending the public
               and private schools of the nation. They have not heeded the  counsel  of Christ to  His

               Matthew 10:16
               Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent
               as doves.

               Is it wisdom to accept the claims of American history without examining carefully those
               stories set forth so widely to see whether they be true? Should the Christian automatically
               embrace views that proclaim America’s form of government to be divinely inspired, that
               infer the framers of the nation’s documents to have been guided by the hand of God, and
               which presuppose that the men involved with the establishment of the government were
               believers in Jesus Christ/Yahshua the Messiah? A critical testing of the views adopted by
               the masses of professing Christians in America reveal that a work of great deception has
               been accomplished. The church has not acquitted itself as the noble Bereans whom the
               apostle Paul praised for examining the claims they heard to see whether they were true.

               There have been some very popular books in recent years such as The Light and the Glory
               by Peter Marshall and David Manuel that have promoted the idea of America being a
               Christian nation. The effect of these books has been to reinforce the false notion that
               America has a divine destiny and the founding fathers of the nation were guided by God to
               create a form of government that is pure and righteous. Such books and teachings fall
               woefully short in the area of exercising a healthy skepticism. They assume that everyone
               who names the name of Jesus, or who speaks of “God” are referring to the same beings that
               are set forth in the pages of Scripture. Christ cautioned His disciples with the following

               Matthew 24:5
               “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.”

               The naive and ignorant are ever prone to believe lies. God does not declare it to be a virtue
               to be either naive, nor ignorant.

               John 7:24
               "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

               There was no man among the founding fathers who was more involved in the formation of
               the nation of America than John Adams. Although Jefferson penned The Declaration of
               Independence, it was largely the influence of John Adams that saw its adoption. Jefferson
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