Page 163 - Dragon Flood
P. 163

subterfuge. This is the nature of Satan, and it is the way in which his disciples conduct

               I regularly encounter Christians who speak as if there is some significant difference between
               choosing a Republican or a Democratic candidate for public office. They do not perceive
               that these are but two heads of the same beast. Nothing  changes in the policy of the
               government from one election to another. The course of the nation is set. Satan rules
               through  an  invisible  government.  How  many  presidential  candidates  have  gained
               Christians’ votes because they said they were pro-life? Yet there has been NO movement by
               any candidate to bring an end to abortion in America. Whether a Democrat or Republican
               is elected makes no difference. The Satanic policies of the country go on apace, not deviating
               from the set course.

               There are members of the news media today who promote their programs as airing fair and
               accurate reporting without bias. Yet all the major media outlets are owned by a small
               number of huge international corporations. These corporations are tied to big banking, to
               global interests that are working toward a one world government. Everything is spin today.
               Even the opposing views of the left and the right are cunningly contrived to control the
               conversation and to establish lines of demarcation within which Americans will discuss
               their political issues. Nothing outside of certain predefined limits is permitted. There is no
               such thing as a free and open public discussion in the media.

               This has been the state of affairs in America for generations. When I was younger I used to
               believe the reasons given for America’s entrance into World War I and World War II. I had
               been taught to accept that these were “righteous” wars, and that America was on the side
               of right, and opposing evil forces in the world. The public school education I received,
               television programs I viewed on the wars, even the conversations I heard in church, all
               supported this view. I have come to understand that what was delivered to me at the first
               was propaganda. It was created by the same powers that contrived a way to get Americans
               to adopt the Federal Reserve System. I had been fed lies and deception from my youth on
               up. It has been by the grace of God that my eyes have been opened to discern that America
               is a nation living in an altered state of reality. What is believed, and what is real, are two
               entirely different matters.

               Much  of  America’s  recent  history  has  been  cast  as  a  struggle  against  Communism.
               America’s form of government is actually a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy, yet
               the  media  and  government  spokespersons  have  heralded  America  as  a  champion  of
               Democracy. This has been evident especially since World War I when the Committee on
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