Page 161 - Dragon Flood
P. 161

Satan would take the very words of Scripture and cast them back to God as a boast of what
               he will do.

               Psalms 92:10-11
               But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.
               Mine eye also shall see my desire on mine enemies, and mine ears shall hear my desire of
               the wicked that rise up against me.

               The enemies of Satan are all those who stand against the plans he has for world domination.
               Any who are patriots and resist global government are his enemy. Any who own private
               property and wish to keep it are his enemy. Those who are pro-family are the adversaries
               of Satan. Those  who do not wish to  surrender their freedom to be dictated to  by the
               disciples  of  Satan  are  his  enemies.  Those  especially  who  are  disciples  of  Jesus
               Christ/Yahshua the Messiah, are his enemies.

               The disciples of Satan are even now busy working to set the stage for the great “Change”
               that is to come. The glory of a one world government where Lucifer reigns over all is being
               sold to the masses as a good thing. Out of many, one!

               Note the symbolism on this book cover offered by Random House Publishers. In front of
               President Obama is a campaign sign with the word “CHANGE.” What is the change being
               promised? It is revealed in the name of the book. Out of many nations will come one single
               nation. Note that the American flag behind him is angled down as if falling. It should be
               noted too that Obama has his right hand raised, but he is left handed. The left hand is
               symbolic of that which is sinister, and in this painting his left hand is hidden. This speaks
               of those hidden works that are being accomplished to bring down America as a nation and
               to establish a one world government.

               People of God, do such things sound AUDACIOUS? Satan is exceedingly proud. He is
               audacious enough to oppose even the God who created him and gave him life. Yet in the
               end, every knee will bow before Christ, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
               to the glory of God the Father.
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