Page 160 - Dragon Flood
P. 160


               The prism serves as a parable of that work God accomplished at the tower of Babel. Look
               at the image above. The triangle is a pyramid shape. It is the prism. Light enters and is
               scattered. So too did God come down to the Tower of Babel and scatter mankind into
               various divisions by tongue, and tribe, and nation. Satan ever seeks to undo the work of
               God. He would create an antiprism where that which is scattered will be gathered together
               back into one.


               To deliberately reverse that work God has done is an act of great rebellion. Is it any wonder
               that the year 2013 has been selected by Satan for the opening of this very symbolic building?
               Yet, we will see far more accomplished in 2013 than a building coming to completion. Satan
               seeks to establish his visible rule over all the earth. 2013 will be a year of great change as the
               nations are cast into a final conflict whose goal will be the end of national sovereignty, and
               the formation of a single global government. Satan will exalt his horn above all the earth.
               This too is signified in the design of the building.

               Tower Atop One World Trade Center
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