Page 159 - Dragon Flood
P. 159

People of God, I am convinced that Satan has chosen the year 2013 for the unveiling of his
               final world government. The architects of the One World Trade Center have employed a
               geometrical shape in its construction that is quite unusual among the buildings of the
               world, but which is highly symbolic. The shape of the tower is called an “antiprism.”

               Square Antiprism

               The main building block of the One World Trade Center being built at the site of the old
               World Trade Center destroyed on September 11, 2001 has the shape of a square antiprism.

               As  the  tower  itself  rises  from  this  cubic  base,  its  square  edges  are  chamfered  back,
               transforming the square into eight tall isosceles triangles in elevation, or an elongated
               square antiprism... The spire will be an intense beam of light that will be lit at night
               and will likely be visible over a thousand feet (305 m) into the air above the tower.
               [            S             o            u             r            c            e            :

               The antenna consists of two major components: a 408 -foot mast and a communications
               platform ring. The mast is a hybrid structure, consisting of a steel tower supporting the
               antenna and a special protective enclosure, called a radome, that is transparent to radio
               waves. The steel tower has eight sections stacked vertically and decreasing in width, while
               the radome enclosure is formed of a modular, fiberglass composite sandwich panel system
               arranged as octagonal antiprism modules.

               Why the abundance of antiprisms in its construction? It is because of what is symbolized
               by the concept of an antiprism. A prism is used to divide light into separate colored rays.
               A single ray of light enters a prism and it exits it divided into the colors of the rainbow.
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