Page 147 - Dragon Flood
P. 147

Do you detect propaganda in the image above? There are children in the front playing the
               drums. An attractive woman rallies the crowd, as a group of noble citizens attacks the
               fortress. You can sense in this portrait the French people’s zeal and noble motives to free
               their  fellow  citizens. A  painting  of  a  group  of  cutthroats  hired by  the  Duc  d’  Orleans
               storming a nearly empty prison to steal a cache of weapons would not produce quite the
               same effect.

               Even  as  history  has  deceived  following  generations  about  the  cause  of  the  French
               Revolution, or the major players who precipitated it, so too were the citizens of France
               deceived and thereby brought to support the Revolution. There is no surer way to press a
               people into immediate action than to take away their supply of food. If one can then hide
               the truth of the shortage and persuade the populace that another is to blame, then the wrath
               of the masses can be channeled to accomplish ends they do not discern.

               Wesbter says: “Montjoie asserts that agents employed by the Duc d’ Orleans deliberately
               bought up the grain, and either sent it out of the country or concealed it in order to drive
               the people to revolt.”

               So the Duc’ d’ Orleans, a member of the Illuminati, purchased large quantities of grain to
               cause the people to take their grievances to the King whom they believed had caused the
               shortage.  It  was,  of  course,  the  Illuminati  that  spread  the  story  that  the  King  had
               intentionally caused the grain shortage.
               [Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]

               People of God, deception and lies have been the means by which Satan has fomented wars
               and revolutions for millennia. Even as the serpent lied in his first appearance in the Bible,
               and thereby induced Eve to perform a deed that was destructive to her own person and all
               her descendants, Satan continues to use lies and deception to lead the masses of mankind
               to actions injurious to their own selves.

               History books similarly tell us that the Russian Revolution of 1917 was started by starving
               Russian workers who were being oppressed by Czar Nicholas II. The true cause of the
               Russian Revolution is one that is the source of many more recent wars. Oil!

               John D. Rockefeller was an early refiner of oil in America. His aim was not simply to be a
               large and powerful refiner, nor even the largest and most powerful oil refiner. Rockefeller
               wanted to be the ONLY oil refiner in the world. In 1872 Rockefeller controlled twenty-five
               percent of America’s refining capacity. Just seven years later he controlled ninety-five
               percent.  Having  captured  the  American  oil  market  with  his  Standard  Oil  business,
               Rockefeller then turned his attention to controlling the global supply. In 1879 Standard Oil
               was supplying ninety percent of America’s foreign oil sales, and had a dominant position
               in world oil sales.

               Vast oil reserves were discovered in the Baku field on the Caspian Sea in Russia. By 1883
               the Russians had built a railroad to this location, and they began ramping up production.
               In the year 1860 America’s petroleum output was 70,000 tons and Russia’s was 1,300 tons.
               America’s output was 53 times the volume of Russia. In 1885 America produced 3,120,000
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