Page 144 - Dragon Flood
P. 144

Revolutions Revisited

               America’s history is replete with the myth of the “just war.” Every war America has entered
               into has been sold to the people as a righteous and rational response to provocations, as a
               defense of America’s sovereignty, or  her  freedoms, or  as a benevolent decision to aid
               America’s allies, and to defend the oppressed. At no time has the American people been told
               the true reasons that her leaders have chosen a course of war. J.P. Morgan, one of the
               premier  architects  of  American  government  control  by  the  money  powers,  stated  the

               A man always has two reasons for what he does - a good one, and the real one.

               Americans have been conned time and again into supporting foreign wars as her leaders
               have provided them with “good reasons” to do so. Yet, these same leaders have cunningly
               hid from the majority the “real reasons” that they were being led into war.

               Ralph Epperson reveals in his book that there are two overriding motives that have guided
               a global elite as they have fomented wars among nations.

               1. Wars are inherently expensive. Nations that go to war have to employ millions of their
               citizens that would normally  be on someone else’s payroll.  Also  there is the  vast  war
               material, arms and munitions, that must be manufactured or purchased. These costs lead
               nations to borrow money to conduct their wars, and global bankers thereby gain power over
               nations. As the Bible declares, “The borrower is slave to the lender.”

               2. Wars provide an unparalleled opportunity to bring about societal change. In America,
               war has been the tool used to strengthen the Executive Branch, and to destroy the balance
               of powers designed into the Constitution by the founding fathers. War has been a catalyst
               for the government to transform America from a capitalist to a socialist basis. War has been
               used to induce women to abandon the home and enter the workforce (one of the planks of
               Communism). In a myriad of ways, foundational societal change has been enacted through
               the imposition of wars upon the American public.

               The true causes for wars are seldom discerned by mankind. Satan’s chief servants in this
               world are well trained in the manipulation of humanity, and in the employment of cunning
               and deception. International banking interests such as the House of Rothschild, and the
               Morgan and Rockefeller banks, have instigated wars on false pretenses in order to establish
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