Page 138 - Dragon Flood
P. 138

recommended "solutions" to the problem of cleansing society of unfit genetic attributes.
               The most commonly suggested method was to set up local gas chambers. However, many
               in the eugenics movement did not believe that Americans were ready to implement a
               large-scale euthanasia program, so  many doctors  had  to  find clever ways of  subtly
               implementing eugenic euthanasia in various medical institutions. For example, a mental
               institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk infected with tuberculosis
               (reasoning that genetically fit individuals would be resistant), resulting in 30-40% annual
               death rates. Other doctors practiced eugenicide through various forms of lethal neglect.

               In the 1930s, there was a wave of portrayals of eugenic "mercy killings" in American film,
               newspapers, and magazines. In 1931, the Illinois Homeopathic Medicine Association
               began lobbying for the right to euthanize "imbeciles" and other defectives. The Euthanasia
               Society of America was founded in 1938.

               Overall, however, euthanasia was marginalized in the U.S., motivating people to turn to
               forced segregation and sterilization programs as a means for keeping the "unfit" from

               Repeatedly one notes names such as Rockefeller and Carnegie being behind the push to
               implement an Eugenics program in America. The super rich see themselves as superior to
               the rest of mankind. They believe they alone are qualified to judge which people have value
               and which do not. If you do a search of the Internet you will find that many of the wealthiest
               men in America, and throughout the world, are promoters of population limits, and are
               seeking  ways  to  decrease  world  population.  Bill  Gates  and  Warren  Buffet  have  both
               committed billions to reducing world population, Buffet being a big supporter of Planned
               Parenthood. Bill Gates considers Warren Buffet to be a personal mentor, and likely had
               some influence upon Gate’s decision to contribute to Planned Parenthood, as well as serve
               on its board of directors.



               After the atrocities of World War II became known, the practice of Eugenics in America
               suffered a great blow. Even though various states continued to practice forced sterilization
               into the 1960s, the practice of Eugenics was forced into hiding. In some instances it simply
               disguised itself as something else.

               One of the chief proponents of Eugenics in America was Margaret Sanger. Many recognize
               her as being the founder of Planned Parenthood. It was formerly called The American Birth
               Control League. If any doubt that the ultimate goals of Planned Parenthood are other than
               the goals of Eugenics, to lower the number of undesirables in the population, they need only
               look at where the majority of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are located. They are in areas of
               high populations of poor and ethnic races.

               According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, more than 43 percent of African-American
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