Page 137 - Dragon Flood
P. 137

This astonishing article written by Arthur Capper, a U.S. Senator from Kansas, includes the
               following words.

               The average American family of today is the result of haphazard mating. Men and women
               marry with little scientific thought as to their physical and mental fitness for bearing and
               rearing children. When the children come they too often are brought up in the same
               haphazard fashion in which the parents chose each other. It is any wonder that the
               number of mentally and physically unfit increases?...

               Uniform  state and national marriage laws promise to  do  much toward solving  this
               problem,  but  we  must  rely  upon  education  as  the  greatest  force  for  obtaining  the
               maximum benefit from such laws.

               Sweeping  reforms  cannot  be  accomplished  overnight.  Only  through  conscientious,
               painstaking work can the standards of the American family be raised.
               [            S             o            u             r            c            e            :

               The entire article can be read at the link above.

               As the world history books used in American public schools relate the atrocities of World
               War II when the NAZI party applied the principles of Eugenics with nationalistic zeal, it is
               never mentioned the role that American Eugenicists played in shaping NAZI doctrine. The
               expression “final solution” which Hitler used to describe the annihilation of entire races and
               groups of people was not coined by the Germans. The expression had been used for years
               in America as a reference to the forced sterilization, and euthanasia of “defectives.”

               One of the methods that was commonly suggested to get rid of "inferior" populations was
               euthanasia.  A  1911  Carnegie  Institute  report  mentioned  euthanasia  as  one  of  its
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