Page 134 - Dragon Flood
P. 134

An universal thought among these men was that of an elite group of illuminated men who
               existed and stood out from among the rabble of mankind as the capstone rests atop a
               pyramid. Over and over, the statements of these men reveal a conceit present in their
               minds. This is not surprising, for this was the same failing present in Lucifer when he
               transgressed and wanted to raise his throne above that of others.

               I Timothy 3:2-6
               An overseer, then, must be above reproach... and not a new convert, so that he will not
               become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil.

               It is to be considered that the men who pioneered the modern field of public relations, or
               propaganda, developed their theories and practices during a period of time when the field
               of Eugenics had gained international popularity. Eugenics was described  as “the self-
               direction of human evolution.” One of the base principles upon which Eugenics rested is
               that  there  are  both  superior  and  inferior  human  beings.  Intelligence, physical ability,
               natural beauty, morality (criminal behavior, or the lack thereof),and many other factors
               were assessed to determine the value of a human life.

               Most Americans do not understand the extent to which such thinking influenced both
               government policies and society in the United States in the early twentieth century. It is not
               uncommon to hear of such elitist doctrines when the subject of Nazi Germany and Aryan
               superiority is discussed. Yet, few discern how the very same elitist beliefs had infiltrated and
               spread throughout the United States prior to the war. In fact, Adolph Hitler obtained many
               of his ideas from, and expressed admiration for,  many of the leaders of the Eugenics
               movement in America.

               NAZI Eugenics Poster

               The above poster reads “Wir stehen nicht allein” (We do not stand alone). This graphic
               depicts a Nazi propaganda poster from 1936, supporting Nazi Germany's 1933 Law for the
               Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring (a compulsory sterilization law). The couple
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