Page 132 - Dragon Flood
P. 132

wars have been fought, nor have they identified those who have truly profited from such
               violence and bloodshed.

               League of Nations Cartoon from World War I

               As a parable, the above image reveals a lot. Satan, the serpent of old, foments international
               strife in order to advance his plans of bringing all the nations of the world under one
               government. Babylon will rise again as all men are united in common purpose under a
               single leader.

               The cunning of Satan has sold this plan even to the churches of Christ. He has through
               cunning and deception induced myriads of the sons and daughters of God to entangle
               themselves in the affairs of this world. A rampant patriotism has infected the churches even
               as it did during the Civil War when ministers from North and South all proclaimed that they
               were fighting God’s war, and God was on their side. Christians went forth to slaughter their
               brothers in Christ, being blinded by the god of this world.

               As another great conflict now lies at the doorstep of the nations, Satan will once more
               deceive the masses. Included among the deceived will be the majority of Christians who
               have little spiritual discernment.

               II Corinthians 11:3
               I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray
               from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.

               Are you even at this moment drinking of the flood of propaganda that Satan is steadily
               pouring forth? Do you have a divine perspective of the conflict of the ages, or are you
               blinded by terrestrial views?
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