Page 131 - Dragon Flood
P. 131

lies and deception. The end justifies the means in the minds of the unscrupulous.

               Consider what is revealed in the formation of the Committee for Public Information. There
               exists an elite group that perceives the need to manipulate the masses in order to gain their
               support. During World War I a vast amount of resources were enlisted for the sole purpose
               of shaping public opinion to a form that the money powers found to be harmonious to their
               own aims. By lies, half-truths, deliberate deception, biased reporting, and emotion stirring
               images, the unseen hand guiding the government was able to secure the cooperation and
               support of the American public.

               CPI Poster

               Although I have frequently made mention of the acts and words of those who are disciples
               of Satan, what I would stress in this series is that there is a spiritual hand behind even these
               human agents of both the visible and invisible governments. Satan is the ruler of this world,
               and he deceives the nations. As one looks at the history of America’s wars one can see a plan
               being advanced to bring the entire world under a single government.

               One of the deceits used to sell involvement in the Great War to Americans was that a
               “League of Nations” would arise out of this conflict, and the combined might of these
               nations would prevent other countries from inciting conflicts in the future. The League of
               Nations, however, proved to be weak and ineffectual, as just two decades later the world
               again descended into war. Out of World War II the United Nations was formed. This body
               was granted more power than the insipid League of Nations, but it still has no dominant
               authority over sovereign nations. The U.N.’s power is not unlike that of the United States
               government over the individual states prior to the Civil War.

               With each conflict a stronger central power has been put in place. The stage is being set for
               a global government where Satan will be the head. There remains yet one more global war.
               Then  we  will  see  that  which  was  birthed  in  the  League  of  Nations,  and  brought  to
               adolescence in the United Nations, come to maturity in the New World Order. It is amazing
               to consider how effective Satan has been in selling these wars to Christians. Multitudes have
               embraced  and  supported  these  conflicts,  little  understanding  how  their  support  was
               furthering the plans of the great deceiver. Few have ever discerned the true reasons that
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