Page 12 - Dragon Flood
P. 12

There are a number of symbols and elements of this apron that indicate that Washington
               had passed the Royal Arch degree. Although it is not obvious from the picture due to fading
               over the years, one of the predominant colors is red. Red is the color of the Royal Arch
               degree. Around the circle at the top of the apron are letters that are associated with the
               Royal Arch degree, as is the rainbow that goes from one column to another forming an arch.
               It should not be surprising then that Washington had secret allegiances, having taken many
               oaths to serve a secret organization that was despised by the majority of Americans at the
               time. This secret allegiance is revealed in a number of portraits that were drawn of him as
               he posed with one hand hidden inside his garment.

               George Washington Portrait by Charles Wilson Peale

               Note also the placement of Washington’s feet. The alignment of the feet indicate the height
               to which a man has advanced in Freemasonry. The stance in which Washington is portrayed
               here by Charles Wilson Peale indicates that Washington had attained to the level of a
               Master Mason. At such a level Washington would have taken repeated oaths, uttering
               terrible  imprecations  against  his  own  life  if  he  failed  to  uphold  his  allegiance  to
               Freemasonry. The above portrait was made while Washington was 52 years old, five years
               before he began serving as President.

               Another Portrait of Washington by Peale
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