Page 11 - Dragon Flood
P. 11

in Rio De Janeiro that it is a stylized representation of the Royal Arch degree. This leads one
               to consider whether 2016 has been determined as the time when Satan will be declared
               openly as the god of this world.

               Rio 2016 Royal Arch Icon

               Returning to the symbol of the hidden hand and its relationship to government leaders who
               are directed by allegiances unknown to most of the population of their countries, we see
               that this is not an obscure matter. America’s very first president was a Freemason. George
               Washington’s Masonic apron is on display to this day in Philadelphia at the Masonic Lodge
               Museum in that city. The apron was presented to Washington in 1784 by the Marquis de
               Lafayette, a famous French Freemason who served in the Revolutionary War.

               It should be noted that Washington began his first term as President in 1789, thus his
               allegiance and elevation within the lodge were already established.

               George Washington’s Masonic Apron
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