Page 81 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 81

Many of the children today cannot understand why some of those who have put on the
               harness of God cannot get excited by the many religious games and the playful antics of the
               immature. They wonder why the disciplined ones run not after every new revelation or feed
               on every opportunity to engage in seemingly "good and profitable" religious activities. They
               wonder why some will not race with them in their frantic efforts to build great works and
               great and notable ministries. They cannot understand the simple fact that this Company of
               saints is waiting for the voice of the Master, and they do not hear God in all this outward
               activity. They will move in their time, when the Master speaks. But not before, though many
               temptations come from the playful colts. And the colts cannot understand why those who
               seemingly appear to have great abilities and strength are not putting it to good use. "Get the
               carriage on the road," they say, but the disciplined ones, those in God’s harness, know better
               than to move before they hear the voice of the Master. They will move in their time, with
               great purpose, and great responsibility.
                     And the Lord made me to know that there were many whom He had brought into
               training who had rebelled against the discipline, the chastising of the Father. And they could
               not be trusted with the great responsibility of mature Sonship, so he let them go back to
               their freedom, back to their religious activities and revelations and gifts. They are still His
               people, still feeding in His pastures, but He has set them aside from the great purposes for
               the end of the age. So they revel in their freedom, feeling that they are the Chosen ones with
               the many streams of living water, not knowing that they have been set aside as unfit for His
               great work in this end of the Age.
                     And He showed me that though the chastising seemeth grievous for the time, and the
               discipline hard to endure, yet the result with all the glory of Sonship is worth it all, and the
               glory to follow far exceeds the suffering we endure. And though some lose even their lives
               in this training, yet they will share alike in the glory of His eternal purposes. So faint not,
               saints of God, for it is the Lord that doth bring thee into confinement, and not thine enemy.
               It is for thy good, and for His glory, so endure all things with praises and thanksgiving that
               He hath counted thee worthy to share His glory! Fear thou not the whip in His hand, for it
               is not to punish thee, but to correct and train thee, that thou mightest come into submission
               to His will, and be found in His likeness in that Hour. Rejoice thou in thy trials, in all thy
               tribulations, and glory thou in His cross, and in the confining limitations of His harness, for
               He hath chosen thee, and He hath taken upon Himself the responsibility of keeping thee
               strong and well fed, so lean thou upon Him, and trust not in thine own ability and thine
               own understanding. So shalt thou be fed, and His hand shall be upon thee, and His glory
               shall overshadow thee and shall flow through thee as it goes forth to cover the earth. Glory
               to God! Bless the Lord, He’s wonderful! Let Him be Lord of your life, friends, and complain
               not at that which He bringeth to pass in your life.

               Plenty in the Time of Famine

                     For in the hour when famine sweeps the land, He shall feed by His own hand those
               who are submitted to His perfect will, and who dwell in the secret place of the Most High.
               When terror stalks the land, those in His harness shall not be afraid, for they shall feel His
               bit and bridle and know the guidance of His Spirit. When others are weak and frail and
               fearful, there shall be those who shall be strong in the power of His might, and shall lack for
               no good thing. In the hour when the traditions of the religious systems have proven false,
               and their streams have dried up, then His Chosen ones shall speak forth with the true Word
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